First Days

August 24, 2011 at 5:46 pm (Uncategorized)

After arriving in Copenhagen I was TIRED.  The flight from Chicago to Frankfurt, Germany was 8 hours, but it was nice.  They served us dinner and breakfast and I got to watch Kung Fu Panda 2.  I was seated next to a woman who had lived in Copenhagen and she told me of all the sites I had to visit.  I arrived in Copenhagen around 8:00am.  There was DIS (Danish Institute for Study Abroad, the school I attend) staff waiting by the luggage claim area.  After chatting with them for a while, me and other students who had signed up for the host-family option, were directed to the Hilton located within the airport were we had to wait to have orientation.  Orientation wasn’t until 1:00pm so I had lots of time to talk and get to know them.  During orientation, our host families had arrived to take us to our new home.  My host mother is Elisabeth and she is really nice.  She helped my pull the three luggage I brought on two trains and back to her house.  Once we made it back, I was completely pooped.  We ate some pie she made out of eggs, chives, and bacon (it was really good).  After eating and taking a quick shower I was in need of a nap so I sleep until dinner time.  After dinner it was back to bed seeing as I had to be at DIS at 9:00am the next day and I had an hour and 15 minute commute.

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